Making full use of PureScript's Generic type class
Many PureScript programmers will have made use of the Generic type class at some point to cut down on the amount of boilerplate needed to define instances for their data types. However, my impression is that it’s less common that people understand how this process works, or that people know how to write the code which permits Generic deriving for a particular type class.
In this post, I’m going to assume that you have a vague idea of what the Generic class is capable of, and you already know how to use it to derive instances for which Generic deriving is already provided, like Show, Eq, or Argonaut’s EncodeJson and DecodeJson. The goal of this post is to teach you how to write the code which permits Generic deriving for a particular type class. It draws inspiration from the tutorial from the Haskell package generic-deriving (which I also recommend, especially if you use Haskell too).
I’d like to thank the following people for reading draft versions of this post and providing invaluable feedback: @yugiohxlight, fredrik wallberg (@quesebifurcan), Dario Oddenino (@dariooddenino), Daniel Brice (@fried_brice), Dave Parfitt (@metadave), Willem van den Ende (@mostalive), Saurabh Nanda (@saurabhnanda), and Donna (@naglalakk).
The PureScript code which accompanies this post is published as a Gist, so you can also load the code from this post in Try PureScript.
I’ve included a copy of the imports I’m using here, so that it’s clear where everything comes from:
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Generic.Rep as G
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith)
Table of Contents
- Representing data types as sums of products
- The Generic type class
- Acting on the generic representation types
- Having the compiler generate representation types for us
- Storing metadata in the representation types
- Improving our generic Tree encoding
Representing data types as sums of products
The core idea which enables the Generics library is that data types can be represented “generically”, as “sums of products”. What do I mean by that? Consider the following data types:
data Sum a b = Inl a | Inr b
data Product a b = Product a b
-- Type operators for Sum and Product
infixl 6 type Sum as :+:
infixl 7 type Product as :*:
-- Operator for the Product data constructor
infixl 7 Product as :*:
We call them “sum” and “product” because they have some common properties with
the familiar +
and ×
operators which work on numbers, but I’m not going to
go too much into that right now. What is useful to note is that Sum represents
having exactly one of two things (i.e. one or the other, not both), and that
Product represents having both of two things.
Our goal is to find a way of representing as many data types as we can in terms of Sum and Product. Let’s start with a simple one: Maybe. Since there’s a choice between two different cases (Just and Nothing), we’ll use Sum. To represent an absence of information, i.e. the Nothing constructor, we can use the Unit type, since it only has one inhabitant (unit). We end up with this:
type MaybeRep a = Unit :+: a
repFromMaybe :: forall a. Maybe a -> MaybeRep a
repFromMaybe = case _ of
Nothing -> Inl unit
Just x -> Inr x
repToMaybe :: forall a. MaybeRep a -> Maybe a
repToMaybe = case _ of
Inl _ -> Nothing
Inr x -> Just x
Note that repToMaybe and repFromMaybe are each other’s inverses, so we can convert Maybe to and from MaybeRep as much as we like without losing information.
Let’s look at some more examples. Imagine we are wanting to make a website which allows you to simulate Pokémon battles. To start with, we want to store information about individual Pokémon, such as the fact that each Pokémon has a species (such as “Pikachu”, “Charizard”, “Snorlax”), a level, which is an integer, and a primary and optionally a secondary type, such as Normal, Grass, or Water/Ice (for a Pokémon which has a primary type of Water and a secondary type of Ice).
-- This should really be a sum type but I can't be bothered to write all the
-- constructors out and define conversions to/from String
newtype PokémonType = PokémonType String
-- Auxiliary newtypes for clarity
newtype Species = Species String
newtype Level = Level Int
-- | Fields are Species, level, primary type, secondary type (if any)
data Pokémon = Pokémon Species Level PokémonType (Maybe PokémonType)
-- Some example values
pikachu :: Pokémon
pikachu = Pokémon (Species "Pikachu") (Level 50) (PokémonType "Electric") Nothing
dewgong :: Pokémon
dewgong = Pokémon (Species "Dewgong") (Level 62) (PokémonType "Water") (Just (PokémonType "Ice"))
How are we going to represent the Pokémon data type with Sum and Product? In this case there’s only one constructor, so we aren’t going to need Sum, but we do need Product:
type PokémonRep = Species :*: Level :*: PokémonType :*: Maybe PokémonType
repFromPokémon :: Pokémon -> PokémonRep
repFromPokémon (Pokémon species level primaryType secondaryType) =
species :*: level :*: primaryType :*: secondaryType
repToPokémon :: PokémonRep -> Pokémon
repToPokémon (species :*: level :*: primaryType :*: secondaryType) =
Pokémon species level primaryType secondaryType
Again, note that these functions are mutual inverses.
Now let’s look at a data type for which we need both Sum and Product. During battle, Pokémon can be afflicted with a number of statuses, such as being asleep, poisoned, or paralyzed. If a Pokémon is asleep, we want to keep a counter for the number of turns they will remain asleep. If a Pokémon is poisoned, then they should lose some HP each turn. Poison can be normal severity, in which case the amount of HP they lose each turn is fixed, or it can be bad severity, in which case the amount of HP they lose each turn increases over time. For poisoned Pokémon, then, we will want to store both a severity and a counter for the number of turns they have been poisoned.
data PoisonSeverity = NormalPoison | BadPoison
data PokémonStatus
= Asleep Int
| Poisoned PoisonSeverity Int
| Paralyzed
The general pattern for converting data type definitions to representations using Sum and Product is that you represent all of the fields within each constructor using Product, and then you put all of the constructors together using Sum. In this case, we end up with:
type PokémonStatusRep =
Int -- Asleep
:+: (PoisonSeverity :*: Int) -- Poisoned
:+: Unit -- Paralyzed
repFromPokémonStatus :: PokémonStatus -> PokémonStatusRep
repFromPokémonStatus = case _ of
Asleep counter -> Inl (Inl counter)
Poisoned severity counter -> Inl (Inr (severity :*: counter))
Paralyzed -> Inr unit
repToPokémonStatus :: PokémonStatusRep -> PokémonStatus
repToPokémonStatus = case _ of
Inl (Inl counter) -> Asleep counter
Inl (Inr (severity :*: counter)) -> Poisoned severity counter
Inr _ -> Paralyzed
The Generic type class
The Generic type class captures this pattern of defining an associated generic representation type for some data type. It’s defined like this:
class Generic a rep | a -> rep where
to :: rep -> a
from :: a -> rep
The type a
is the data type we care about, and the type rep
is the generic
representation type for a
; that is, rep
is a type which contains the same
information as a
, but is built out of Sums and Products. The functions to
and from
should be mutual inverses, so that to <<< from
and from <<< to
are both the identity function. The functional dependency a -> rep
says that
there can only be one Generic instance for a given type a
; the type a
determines the type rep
We can define Generic instances for our data types based on the conversions we defined above:
-- Type synonym instances would be really handy here, but sadly we don't have
-- them just yet
-- Generic (Maybe a) (MaybeRep a)
instance genericMaybe :: Generic (Maybe a) (Unit :+: a) where
to = repToMaybe
from = repFromMaybe
-- Generic Pokémon PokémonRep
instance genericPokémon :: Generic Pokémon (Species :*: Level :*: PokémonType :*: Maybe PokémonType) where
to = repToPokémon
from = repFromPokémon
-- Generic PokémonStatus PokémonStatusRep
instance genericPokémonStatus :: Generic PokémonStatus (Int :+: (PoisonSeverity :*: Int) :+: Unit) where
to = repToPokémonStatus
from = repFromPokémonStatus
Acting on the generic representation types
Now that we have seen a few examples of generic representation types, we are
ready to understand how the class can help us avoid boilerplate. The general
idea is that if we are interested in deriving instances for a particular type
class, we can write instances of that type class for just the Sum and Product
types, and then delegate to those instances for any other types we want
instances for. Usually, we use the Generic from
conversion to convert our
data to Sums and Products, perform whatever work is necessary by making use of
the instances for Sum and Product, and then convert back again at the end with
Let’s work through an example of this now, with the types we defined above. Suppose we want to allow people to generically derive instances of the following type classes for encoding and decoding data in the form of trees of strings, which might form the basis of a mechanism for serialization or pretty-printing:
data Tree a = Tree a (Array (Tree a))
class TreeEncode a where
treeEncode :: a -> Tree String
class TreeDecode a where
treeDecode :: Tree String -> Maybe a
Assume that TreeEncode and TreeDecode instances are provided already for the following types:
Maybe a
(given an instance fora
and that we have also provided instances for the newtypes we defined further up
(that is, Species, Level and PokémonType) via derive newtype instance
If we want to encode a Sum, then we need to be able to encode each of the possibilities for the sum, so we require TreeEncode instances for both arguments. When encoding, we add a node to the tree to keep track of which side of the sum we are on.
instance treeEncodeSum :: (TreeEncode a, TreeEncode b) => TreeEncode (Sum a b) where
treeEncode = case _ of
Inl a -> Tree "Sum:Inl" [treeEncode a]
Inr b -> Tree "Sum:Inr" [treeEncode b]
instance treeDecodeSum :: (TreeDecode a, TreeDecode b) => TreeDecode (Sum a b) where
treeDecode = case _ of
Tree "Sum:Inl" [a] -> Inl <$> treeDecode a
Tree "Sum:Inr" [b] -> Inr <$> treeDecode b
_ -> Nothing
When we’re encoding a Product, we again need to be able to encode both of the two fields, so we require TreeEncode instances for both of them. We encode to a tree by creating a branch for each field.
instance treeEncodeProduct :: (TreeEncode a, TreeEncode b) => TreeEncode (Product a b) where
treeEncode (Product a b) = Tree "Product" [treeEncode a, treeEncode b]
instance treeDecodeProduct :: (TreeDecode a, TreeDecode b) => TreeDecode (Product a b) where
treeDecode = case _ of
Tree "Product" [a, b] -> Product <$> treeDecode a <*> treeDecode b
_ -> Nothing
Now that we have instances for Sum and Product, we can define instances for the
data types we defined above by having them convert via the associated Rep type.
Specifically, treeEncode <<< from
allows us to encode, and map to <<<
allows us to decode. We can tie this all up in a function:
:: forall a rep. Generic a rep => TreeEncode rep => a -> Tree String
genericTreeEncode =
treeEncode <<< from
:: forall a rep. Generic a rep => TreeDecode rep => Tree String -> Maybe a
genericTreeDecode =
map to <<< treeDecode
With all of the above in place, the amount of code we need to write to define instances for a new data type is drastically reduced:
instance treeEncodePokémon :: TreeEncode Pokémon where
treeEncode = genericTreeEncode
instance treeDecodePokémon :: TreeDecode Pokémon where
treeDecode = genericTreeDecode
instance treeEncodePokémonStatus :: TreeEncode PoisonSeverity where
treeEncode = genericTreeEncode
instance treeDecodePokémonStatus :: TreeDecode PoisonSeverity where
treeEncode = genericTreeEncode
instance treeEncodePokémonStatus :: TreeEncode PokémonStatus where
treeEncode = genericTreeEncode
instance treeDecodePokémonStatus :: TreeDecode PokémonStatus where
treeDecode = genericTreeDecode
Let’s test these instances out:
main1 :: Effect Unit
main1 = do
testRoundTrip "pikachu" pikachu
testRoundTrip "paralyzed" Paralyzed
testRoundTrip "poisoned" (Poisoned BadPoison 4)
testRoundTrip ::
forall a.
TreeEncode a =>
TreeDecode a =>
Eq a =>
Show a =>
String -> a -> Effect Unit
testRoundTrip msg a = do
log "======"
log $ "Testing roundtrip: " <> msg
log $ "Initial value: " <> show a
log $ "Encoded: " <> show (treeEncode a)
let roundTripped = treeDecode (treeEncode a)
log $ "Round trips successfully? " <> if roundTripped == Just a then "Yes" else "No"
Here’s the (pretty-printed) output for Pikachu:
Tree "Product"
[ Tree "Product"
[ Tree "Product"
[ Tree "Pikachu" []
, Tree "50" []
, Tree "Electric" []
, Tree "Nothing" []
So the mechanism works, but defining the representation types and conversions is very boilerplatey and tiresome. We’ve just replaced one kind of boilerplate (instances for encoding and decoding) with another (conversion to and from generic representation types)! Fortunately, the compiler can help.
Having the compiler generate representation types for us
The process of going from a data
declaration to its generic representation
type is very mechanical and predictable, so it’s a good candidate for
automation. The PureScript compiler will generate the appropriate
representation type and conversions for you if you write the appropriate
derive instance
declarations. For example:
derive instance genericPokémon' :: G.Generic Pokémon _
derive instance genericPoisonSeverity' :: G.Generic PoisonSeverity _
derive instance genericPokémonStatus' :: G.Generic PokémonStatus _
Note that I’ve imported the real Generic class qualified as G
, so as not to
clash with the one we defined above. In this post, everything from the
Data.Generic.Rep module will be under the G
You can inspect a data type’s associated representation type using the repl, like this:
> :t ( :: _ -> Pokémon)
Constructor "Pokémon" (Product (Argument Species) (Product (Argument Level) (Product (Argument PokémonType) (Argument (Maybe PokémonType))))) -> Pokémon
Note that the representation type generated by the compiler is a bit different to our PokémonRep type. In particular, there are two types we haven’t seen before: Constructor, and Argument.
Storing metadata in the representation types
The representation types used by the compiler when generating Generic instances differ a little from the ones we’ve used up until now. The real generic representation types are defined in the Data.Generic.Rep module, and in addition to Sum and Product, we also have the following:
- The Constructor type, which is defined as
newtype Constructor (name :: Symbol) a = Constructor a
The purpose of the Constructor type is to allow type class deriving code to see what the names of each of the constructors of the data type in question are, which is useful for e.g. pretty printing, or producing more readable JSON encodings.
- The Argument type, which is defined as
newtype Argument a = Argument a
This type wraps each field in a data constructor, so that when you’re writing instances, you can easily differentiate Sums and Products from actual constructor fields.
- The NoArguments type, which is defined as
data NoArguments = NoArguments
This data type is used as a more explicit alternative to Unit where a constructor has no arguments.
- The NoConstructors type, which is defined as
data NoConstructors
This type is used as a representation type for data types with no constructors at all. For this reason, it has no constructors, and thus no inhabitants.
Improving our generic Tree encoding
Let’s rework our generic tree encoding code so that it works with the real Generic class. Additionally, using the extra information available from the metadata, let’s have it generate trees which correspond a bit better to the data type definitions in question. In particular, let’s use the real constructor names rather than “Sum:Inl” or “Sum:Inr” to indicate which constructor we have, and let’s also flatten the products for constructors with multiple fields so that all fields for a particular constructor appear as direct descendants of the same node in the tree.
We’ll start with the flattening of products. For this, we’ll use some new type classes for handling encoding and decoding of all of the arguments to a particular data constructor.
class TreeEncodeArgs a where
treeEncodeArgs :: a -> Array (Tree String)
class TreeDecodeArgs a where
treeDecodeArgs :: Array (Tree String) -> Maybe { result :: a, rest :: Array (Tree String) }
The TreeDecodeArgs class needs to return a record with result
and rest
fields, because we don’t intially know how many elements of the argument array
we will consume during decoding.
For these classes, we’ll need instances for the NoArguments, Argument, and Product types, since those are the ones which appear as arguments to the Constructor type.
When encoding, we delegate to the TreeEncode instance of each individual field, and then we use the TreeEncodeArgs class to collect all of the results in a single flat array:
instance treeEncodeArgsNoArguments :: TreeEncodeArgs G.NoArguments where
treeEncodeArgs _ = []
instance treeEncodeArgsArgument :: TreeEncode a => TreeEncodeArgs (G.Argument a) where
treeEncodeArgs (G.Argument a) = [treeEncode a]
instance treeEncodeArgsProduct :: (TreeEncodeArgs a, TreeEncodeArgs b) => TreeEncodeArgs (G.Product a b) where
treeEncodeArgs (G.Product a b) = treeEncodeArgs a <> treeEncodeArgs b
When decoding, we do the same, but the other way around:
instance treeDecodeArgsNoArguments :: TreeDecodeArgs G.NoArguments where
treeDecodeArgs = case _ of
[] -> Just { result: G.NoArguments, rest: [] }
_ -> Nothing
instance treeDecodeArgsArgument :: TreeDecode a => TreeDecodeArgs (G.Argument a) where
treeDecodeArgs args = do
{ head, tail: rest } <- Array.uncons args
result <- G.Argument <$> treeDecode head
pure { result, rest }
instance treeDecodeArgsProduct :: (TreeDecodeArgs a, TreeDecodeArgs b) => TreeDecodeArgs (G.Product a b) where
treeDecodeArgs args = do
{ result: a, rest: args1 } <- treeDecodeArgs args
{ result: b, rest: args2 } <- treeDecodeArgs args1
pure { result: G.Product a b, rest: args2 }
Now that we have the flattening of arguments handled, we can move on to better tagging of sums.
instance treeEncodeSum' :: (TreeEncode a, TreeEncode b) => TreeEncode (G.Sum a b) where
treeEncode (G.Inl a) = treeEncode a
treeEncode (G.Inr b) = treeEncode b
instance treeDecodeSum' :: (TreeDecode a, TreeDecode b) => TreeDecode (G.Sum a b) where
treeDecode t = (G.Inl <$> treeDecode t) <|> (G.Inr <$> treeDecode t)
These instances might be surprising at first glance. Don’t we need to distinguish the two branches from each other? The answer is that we don’t need to distinguish them at this stage, because the parameters to Sum will include a Constructor type, and we’ll use the information there in order to encode or decode the appropriate tag. Let’s do that now:
instance treeEncodeConstructor :: (IsSymbol name, TreeEncodeArgs a) => TreeEncode (G.Constructor name a) where
treeEncode (G.Constructor a) =
tag = reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy name)
Tree tag (treeEncodeArgs a)
instance treeDecodeConstructor :: (IsSymbol name, TreeDecodeArgs a) => TreeDecode (G.Constructor name a) where
treeDecode (Tree tag args) =
if tag == reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy name)
then (G.Constructor <<< _.result) <$> treeDecodeArgs args
else Nothing
The IsSymbol constraint allows us to use reflectSymbol, which “reflects” the constructor name from the type level down to the value level, allowing us to store it in the resulting encoded tree, or compare it with the tag in the tree we’re decoding.
Finally, we provide an instance for NoConstructors.
instance treeEncodeNoConstructors :: TreeEncode G.NoConstructors where
treeEncode _ = unsafeCrashWith "unreachable"
instance treeDecodeNoConstructors :: TreeDecode G.NoConstructors where
treeDecode _ = Nothing
Now that we have the right instances for all of the real generic representation
types, we can write versions of genericTreeEncode
and genericTreeDecode
which use the real Generic class and the metadata types:
:: forall a rep. G.Generic a rep => TreeEncode rep => a -> Tree String
genericTreeEncode' =
treeEncode <<< G.from
:: forall a rep. G.Generic a rep => TreeDecode rep => Tree String -> Maybe a
genericTreeDecode' =
map <<< treeDecode
Note that these are basically the same as the genericTreeEncode
functions we already defined, except we are using the
real Generic class from Data.Generic.Rep.
Phew! Let’s check that works:
main2 :: Effect Unit
main2 = do
testRoundTrip "pikachu" pikachu
testRoundTrip "paralyzed" Paralyzed
testRoundTrip "poisoned" (Poisoned BadPoison 4)
testRoundTrip ::
forall a rep.
G.Generic a rep =>
TreeEncode rep =>
TreeDecode rep =>
Eq a =>
Show a =>
String -> a -> Effect Unit
testRoundTrip msg a = do
log "======"
log $ "Testing roundtrip: " <> msg
log $ "Initial value: " <> show a
log $ "Encoded: " <> show (genericTreeEncode' a)
let roundTripped = genericTreeDecode' (genericTreeEncode' a)
log $ "Round trips successfully? " <> if roundTripped == Just a then "Yes" else "No"
And yes, that’s giving us a much nicer encoding:
Tree "Pokémon"
[ Tree "Pikachu" []
, Tree "50" []
, Tree "Electric" []
, Tree "Nothing" []
Hopefully you now have a slightly better understanding of why the Generic class looks the way it does, and what exactly is going on underneath, so that you can write your own Generic deriving mechanisms and cut right through all that boilerplate you’ve been struggling with. For further inspiration and examples on how to use Generic to derive type class instances, I recommend reading the generics-rep and argonaut-generic packages. Happy deriving!