Serving Fay with Scotty

My current project needed something like snaplet-fay; unfortunately, I couldn’t see a good way to use it with scotty. However I did browse through the source and it seems pretty simple to implement, so I thought I’d write a scotty version.

Here’s the result: scotty-fay.

And a basic example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Web.Scotty
import Web.Scotty.Fay

main :: IO ()
main = scotty 3000 $ do
    serveFay $
        -- If the first segment of the request path matches this, try to serve
        -- Fay. Otherwise try the next route.
        under "/scotty-fay" .
        -- Specify the directory where your Fay files are.
        from "src/fay"

    get "/" $ do
        html $
            "<!doctype html>" <>
            "<html>" <>
            "<head>" <>
            "<script type=text/javascript src=/scotty-fay/HelloWorld.hs></script>" <>
            "</head>" <>
            "<body><h1>lol</h1></body>" <>

Is it any good?

It’s… ok.

Having said that, it has been a nice asset.

Things I learned

  1. The argument to serveFay acts as the entire configuration; the method I decided on was:

    • export a number of functions of type Config -> Config
    • allow the user to compose them with normal function composition (.)
    • Take one function of type Config -> Config and apply it to the default value for Config to get the final configuration.

    This seems to work quite well. I quite like this approach so far (although I certainly wouldn’t say it’s been tested extensively).

  2. The Config type is supposed to act as an abstraction for Fay’s CompileConfig. CompileConfig has so many options, and most of them will always be set to a certain value, so I might as well not expose them, right?

    It turns out that this argument is invalid, especially when you make it before learning what the options all do. This system sucks; while working on multicopter, I’ve had to switch to scotty-fay, make a one-line change, rerun tests, build a source distribution, and install it into my multicopter sandbox. All that as opposed to making that same one-line change in multicopter itself.

  3. “package confs” and “cabal sandboxes” are basically the same thing. scotty-fay needs to know about these because Fay needs to load fay-base, and if you don’t tell it which package conf to use, it will use the global one (which will fail if you are using a sandbox and don’t want to install fay-base globally).

  4. I need to think about a better way to handle Fay compilation errors. Simply returning a 500 Internal Server Error with human-readable HTML in the response is a bit awkward for fixing errors during development. Options I’m currently aware of are:

    • logging to STDOUT
    • Copy snaplet-fay and wrap the whole thing in a console.error().

    I need to do some more experimentation.

What I’m going to do now

Wai middleware

I’ve realised that building this on scotty isn’t the best option. It adds unnecessary dependencies (it uses a tiny amount of the scotty library), and it’s also unfriendly for Wai users who are using a different framework (eg Yesod).

The solution is simple: Convert it to a Wai middleware.


The most obvious approach might look something like this:

fay :: Middleware
fay app req =
    maybe (app req)
          (\f -> compile f >> serve f)
          (getFaySourcePath req)
    -- If the request asks for some compiled Fay code, give Just <its path
    -- on the disk>; otherwise, Nothing.
    getFaySourcePath :: Request -> Maybe FilePath

    -- compile the Fay source referenced by the request and dump it to
    -- disk. If the file hasn't changed since the last time it was compiled,
    -- do nothing.
    compile :: FilePath -> IO ()

    -- Serve the static file which is the result of compiling the Fay module at
    -- the given FilePath.
    serve :: FilePath -> IO Response

Okay, seems easy enough. But there’s a pattern here!

Arbitrary preprocessing

I used Sprockets when I was building the Ruby version of multicopter. I’m starting to miss it, especially with CSS (vs Sass), so I asked about it on Stack Overflow.

The recommended solution: build a Wai middleware, which, when asked for a static file, will compile it if necessary and serve it. That sounds familiar!

Looking back at the code above, I need something which can:

That is, I need to build Sprockets for Haskell/Wai.

After that, creating a middleware which can compile and serve normal static files as well as preprocessing Fay and Sass (and anything else I feel like) should be pretty straightforward.